SECoach Event Photo

SECoach Event Photo
Happy moments of Coach Bong and students

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Law of Opposite

I attended a workshop on "Why goal Setting Sucks?" and learned about the 7 Laws that formed the Law of Attraction. My favourite Law among all the other 7 Laws of universe is the Law of Opposite or Polarity.
Understanding the law of opposites will make you realize that your failures contain the seeds of success and that your successes contain the seeds for failure. The choice is entirely up to you!

By understanding this law, you will realize that all of your failures were just learning experiences. Your so called “failures” in life were meant to give you more wisdom, awareness, and experience, so you can achieve something bigger and better than your initial intention.

Thomas Edison failed 999 times when he was creating the light bulb. During an interview, someone asked him what it felt like failing that many times. Edison replied, “I did not fail---I just learn 999 ways on how not to make a light bulb.”
Edison understood the law of opposites or the law of polarity. He knew that every failure contains the seed of success. Because he had that awareness, he was able to create the light bulb, along with many other inventions.
Everything in this universe has it's opposite. Light could not exist if there wasn't darkness. Hot can't exist without cold. Prosperity doesn't exist without poverty. How do you know what success feels and looks like without knowing failure? You'll never know what success is unless you experience some degree of failure.

This universe is setup for abundance and prosperity. It's our natural birth-right to have health, wealth, prosperity, abundance, peace, love, joy, etc. However, since we live in the third dimension or the physical plane, our natural birthrights have to contain it's opposite to exist.
When you start putting blame on others and the economy, you lose your power and that is where failure will dominate your life. Changing failure into success is achieved by finding what is good about your situation right now. This involves putting your attention on the goodness in your life right now and what you want to attract. Human beings were created with free will or the ability to choose.

Did you know Walt Disney went bankrupt over seven times before Disney Land hit?
Did you know Donald Trump went bankrupt and then four years later earned his billions again?
Colonel Sanders lived in his car for two years before KFC succeeded, and he was in his sixties!
What you have to do is to cultivate faith and belief that this universe is setup for abundance and prosperity. No matter what situation you are in, the universe is always working in your favor. Evaluate your life and change it to whatever you want. All it takes is finding the goodness, health, wealth, prosperity, or learning experience in any situation.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

11.1.2011 in BNI

This certificate was presented to me on 11.1.2011, as a preconisation for contributing the most business referrals to my BNI members. I didn’t plan for anything special for the special date of 11.1.2011, but the recognition had made the day even more special and memorable for me.
December 2010 is my 3rd month in BNI community. BNI stands for Business Networking International, the world’s largest business networking organisation, founded by Dr. Ivan Misner in 1985. The philosophy of BNI is – Givers Gain. We believe when we are helping others to get their business, they will be reciprocal by helping us to get the business we want.
The first chapter for any new BNI member is to learn to be a Giver. Every people that I meet and every opportunity that I look for, I keep my members business in mind. Although I am yet to receive any concrete referral or business deal for myself, the ROI of the membership fees I paid remains zero, but my another 2 accounts that I created in BNI, unexpectedly,  the  Knowledge Account  and Personal Network  Account  is flux with huge deposit!
As a new member, I am also assigned with mentor, to coach me and ensure that I will be able to benefit from BNI as soon as possible. I thank God that I have the Life Coach of our chapter as my mentor – Ms Sharyfa MK from Clear Path Life Coaching. She is not only coaching my path in BNI, but instead she offer free coaching sessions to assist me in finding a clear path for my career! How wonderful is that!
Jan 2011 is my 4th month in BNI. I realised that the biggest different between being an employee and entrepreneur.  As employees, we get together to complain our bosses and company, but seldom think about how we can help each other in our career. But as entrepreneurs, we sit down to understand each other business and explore how we can help each other to grow. Each time we meet up, there are always new sparks of business ideas. I certainly have no regret on my career choice, and it’s my choice!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Purpose Driven Career

Posted in Facebook on 08 January 2011, 8:49:38 AM | Bong Hua EngGo to full article

Have you set for yourself the PURPOSE of your career? For everything you pursue, the role that you have, there must be a great PURPOSE behind it, waiting for your to discover. Dwell deep inside your heart and you will find the purpose, which it for you to transform and set a mission statement for your career.

I would love to share my purpose with you:

For all those who desire education and support in thier persuit of optimal health, personal excellence and acheivement of financial freedom, I commit myself to serve you.

I promise to use compassion, integrity and my best know how as my intrusments in serving others. I will always do this lovingly as how God has love me, so as to contribute, to grow and to prosper, happily.

Everything I do, every opportunity I look at, every action I take in my daily life, must be align with my purpose. I know that as I pursue this purpose passionately, I will grow, so will my purpose. As a result, I will acheive greater success over the time and be more then I ever have before - both for myself and others.

Your Financial Coach and Health Consultant:
Bong Hua Eng

The Story of the Buyer & the Seller

Posted in Facebook Bong Hua Eng on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 3:45pm

What is your perception toward sales job & sales poeple? Do you notice our life is full of buy-sell transaction? The car your drive, your iphone, your daily meals...even donation that you made. In any business transaction, regardless how big or small it is, tangible or non tangible products or services, there is always a buyer and a seller. Who will be the 1st party to benefit from the transaction? You know the answer: the seller / the company he represents.

Do you buy more or sell more in your daily life? Even if you are in the non sales job, you are in fact selling your time and your skills to your employer in return of salary income. But you are buying a lot more! Did you notice that you are trading your time (your life) to meet all your buying (expenses)?

The winner in the business world are those who are selling more then buying. Poeple who know how to sell is making the real income to create true wealth. If you are looking to improve your financial condition, learn to be a seller. When you are able to sell more then you buy, you won't be far from financial success.

Email me at to find out my schedule of mini workshop on Financial Intelligence.
Wish everbody good Health and good Wealth in 2011!

Your Financial Coach & Health Advisor
Bong Hua Eng

关键 (Chinese Version of The Key)


我学会不让自己抱怨, 更学会看医药报告的总结




        “ 爱家人,就先让自己健康绝对是首选

 作者: 黄铧逸

The Key

The Key

My father had a stroke when I was only nineteen
There I knew life is taking me away from the tower of ivory
I learned to worry for my parent’s BP and Blood Lipid
While I was afraid insurance might not want to take me for policy

My mom was admitted just when I graduated from part-time study
Doctor said it was Leukaemia and there isn’t defined remedy
I could only stay strong besides falling on my knees
Before I knew mom will never be present for my future glories

Mom has seven sisters and they are all my lovely aunties
Unfortunately Nasal Cancer chosen the fifth
Just when she survived with her face different from our memories
The husband was taken away by the silent Liver Cirrhosis

They say insurance can make your life much more easy
But the big cheque can never make my fifth aunt happy
If we could turn back the clock to anytime much early
Health Screening is what we will do before buying any policy

Love your family by first keeping yourself Healthy
“Early Detection Saves Life” is the gospel I will preach
Life Style, Diet and Health Screening are surely the Key
To the Garden of Eden where every family could live happily

Written by Bong Hua Eng for MJ Health Screening Centre